Author name: Tatiana

INCIEN in Brussels cover photo
EU funded projects

From Brussels to You: Why staying informed about the European Union matters

We took a bold step: we travelled to Brussels – the centre of environmental policy-making and circular economy legislation at European level. For 30 days, our Ivana Maleš closely followed the work of colleagues from the Circular Economy team at the European Environmental Bureau (EEB). During her work in EEB, she met with representatives of […]

From Brussels to You: Why staying informed about the European Union matters Čítať viac »

Projects and initiatives


We are sharing our knowledge together with other experts in different topics in the field of circular economy also through the webinars we organize. Webinars are running live on our youtube channel and facebook and afterwards we store them on our youtube so everyone can see them anytime:

Webinars Čítať viac »

Projects and initiatives

Circular bioeconomy

INCIEN recognizes the importance of circular bioeconomy in providing sustainable solutions across all economic sectors. Our projects that address production, use, conservation and regeneration of biological resources include: Green dilemmas: educating the general public about the impact of food systems on climate change and educating Slovak farmers about climate change, its effects in Slovakia, and

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Akadémia udržateľného potravinového systému cover
Actualities Companies

Farm to Fork project

Through this project we educate on food, food cultivation and its impact on the environment, as well as the theme of preserving biodiversity, carbon neutrality in the context of agriculture/economy. Food-related topics are the main themes. A long-neglected topic that has not been given much space is becoming more than topical in the fight with

Farm to Fork project Čítať viac »


Circular public procurement was discussed in Málaga

Tlačová správa, 24. 09. 2021, Málaga, Spain Project partners from Czechia (BIC Brno/INCIEN), Spain (BIOAZUL) and Slovakia (INCIEN SK) met in late September in Malaga in order to discuss finalisation of the circular public procurement methodology. Its aim is to guide public authorities as well as private companies through the process of application of circularity

Circular public procurement was discussed in Málaga Čítať viac »

Actualities EU funded projects

Innovative method of circular economy in public and private procurement

The aim of the project was to develop and pilot the methodologies of circular public procurement and purchases according to circulating criteria. Within the project, the following intellectual outputs were processed: Methodology for participants in circulating public procurement course and private contracts with application of circulating criteria Methodology for lecturers of circulative public procurement course

Innovative method of circular economy in public and private procurement Čítať viac »

Zelelá cirkulárna akadémia logo
Projects and initiatives

Circular academy

GREEN CIRCULAR ACADEMY is for graduates to gain an overview of the circular economy and to be able to use the knowledge in practice in their own profession. Target group are participants from all areas – self-government, public administration, companies, and individuals. Heroes and leaders who want and can make a real difference, embrace innovation

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